
🛑  Important Notes:

I want to address the fact that the vast majority of players in this landscape are white and male. There are few BIPOC folks writing about these topics and even fewer women. The male perspective is evident in some of the work linked here, and it is certainly evident if you move beyond this page.

Additionally, some of these folks prescribe to concepts of “productivity” from which I am actively dismantling. With some of these folks, I find myself needing to look past some less-than-savory covert and/or overt messaging about grind/hustle culture, hyper-individualism, and winner/loser mentality.

What do I mean dismantling from the notion of “productivity”...well, it’s a long story. Sparing you the gory details, while I have long been practicing “meaningful and intentional productivity”, I had to come to grips with the idea that I derived my value from doing and producing. While I have read a good deal on this topic, nobody has been more impactful on my journey than Tricia Hersey, founder of The Nap Ministry. If you follow one link on this page, click to follow The Nap Ministry on Instagram. 💕

A Brief Introduction

If you are not in my Digital Literacies course, you may not have considered digital literacies or the PKM framework. These links will be helpful to you in your journey and expand upon the info we discussed in our noon meeting.

Helpful Resources

Here is a roundup of some of my favorite (both historical and current) resources for all things digital - as well as things my geeky heart has enjoyed 🙂